Thursday, December 17, 2009

What is a good prescription on-the-spot acne treatment?

I still want to use my normal, everyday face wash (pro-activ).

It's just every now and then I get a pimple or two.

I just want something to put on overnight and then KABLAM! gone.

Haha. Is this even possible??What is a good prescription on-the-spot acne treatment?
You have to make it yourself, and it works...well for me it did at least, overnight!

You just need to crush some Aspirin (it has to be Aspirin) and then add water to it, and make it into a paste...put it on your pimple at night and go to sleep...when you wake up, it should be gone, or have reduced in size...

try it, it worked for me!!What is a good prescription on-the-spot acne treatment?
Acne is a bundle of skin rashes formed over skin due to the action of hormones on the sebaceous glands. You can get rid of these acne from any of the natural acne remedies listed on the below site. Check it out for yourself as it worked for all that i personally know. The site address is

its nearly possible. the sulfur mask from proactiv works wonders

( i know sulfur sounds gross, but it's not. promise=] )

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