Saturday, December 26, 2009

Spot help? can I get an acne cream or something without prescription? and were from?

I don't actualy have full blown acne, but I just need something that works for a change!!!!Spot help? can I get an acne cream or something without prescription? and were from?
You can maybe try asking a pharmacist for advice in somewhere like Boots as they are really helpful. If you take the contraceptive pill you may want too see if you can change it to one called Yasmin which I was prescribed when I got acne and it really helped!!Spot help? can I get an acne cream or something without prescription? and were from?
You should go to your Dr and get some tablets, takes like 3 month to notice a change, after 6 months you'll hardly have a spot on your body.

I used to take Tetracycline. Worked great.

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