Saturday, December 26, 2009

Best prescription acne medicine?

im going back to my dermatologist to try and find another acne treatment...i've been on retin-a, and differin, i've also been on antibiotics for my acne and NOTHING has worked...

i dont want to take accutane, so what other prescription medicine is available? i've tried everything over the counter including pro-activ, clinique 3 step system...ect. i have huge pores, blackheads, white heads and i get a few cysts tooBest prescription acne medicine?
You could ask for 2 scripts - 1 for DUAC which is a topical antibiotic cream applied once a day (nightime is best after washing with a salycic acid wash such as Garnier Pure Deep Pore Wash - that can be used morning and night) and ask for an oral antibiotic called Minnomycin (minocycline). It takes about 6 weeks to really start working well but the angry redness starts to go away after about 2 weeks and they feel much better and not sore any more.Best prescription acne medicine?
Soap and water, then exfoliate, then moisterize.

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