Wednesday, December 30, 2009

What are some good non-prescription medications for acne (besides Proactiv)?

From my experience Proactiv is too aggressive. I have 6 years of experience as a make-up artist and skin care consulter and I can tell you that this product is way better:鈥?/a>

It's called ClearPores - you get 3 things.

- A product that cleans your pores and kills bacteria

- Nutritional supplement that helps your body to fight acne from the inside!

- Protective cream that prevents from further acne...

I've tried hundreds of different things. But the best results were always achieved if I did nutrition with the skin care products. Acne is happening deeper in skin layers where products can't reach only from the outside.

ClearPores supplement is great, it is natural and helps your body's immune system to fight bacteria and also there is less sebum drained to the surface of your skin.

It helps with all kinds of acne. Whiteheads, blackheads, non-inflammatory acne, inflammatory acne.

That's it from me, hope it helped!

Good Luck!What are some good non-prescription medications for acne (besides Proactiv)?
clearasil, soap and water, laying off the sweets, and getting outside (sun exposure and sweating).What are some good non-prescription medications for acne (besides Proactiv)?
anything containing salicilic acid or benzoyl peroxide. some people find the latter to be a little harsh on the skin, but you just have to figure out what works best for you. usually the prescription stuff just has a slightly higher amount of either salicilic acid of b. peroxide. its also worthwhile to check out a higher-end makeup counter like clinique. they often have awesome acne meds with moisturizers and tea tree oil (tea tree oil doesn't work on its own). the down side is these are kinda expensive. johnson's and johnson's persa gel is great. make sure you wash, moisturize and spot treat
look for internal cleanses, thats what you dandelion tea/leaves...stay away from sugar. Try tea tree oil on the pimples. Go to and buy the RX Acne spray, its great. Or buy one of Paul Penders acne treatment washes.
differin- cream that's good.go to Ur docs.and then get it at Morrison's chemist or something.benzoyl peroxide face wash.u can get that from boots.
There is a product called Liquid Silver that is sold in drug stores, health food stores, or can be ordered. It is not a drug so it does not contain harsh and aggressive chemicals like drugs do. It is taken under the tongue, and also mixed with water and sprayed on the acne. Go to this site listed in ';sources'; and there you can read about acne, and there are testimonies from people who have used Liquid Silver to quickly clear up their acne. You will also find how much Liquid Silver to use under your tongue and how much Liquid Silver to mix with water and how often to spray on acne. This product is also inexpensive compared to the cost of drugs used to clear acne.

For some reason the complete web address does not appear in sources, so after the word ';scar,'; put a period and the letters htm.

Good luck!! :)

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