Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Best prescription acne treatments?

I don't have it BAD, but I CAN get it at really random times. Like I'll get a breakout and it clears like in a week and then comes back like 2 weeks later... I get it only on my cheeks. Never on the forehead and RARELY on the chin.

I would like any recommendations for oral antibiotics (minocycline, tetra, doxy, minocin, etc). Also, what dosage is best?

Topical: I'd like to dry Differin .3 because my cousin uses it, but he uses the .1 and he says it works really well.

Also for washing, how's washing with Cetaphil both morning and night and applying their or some other SPF moisturizer in the morning and regular moisturizer at night before or after the Differin?

Thanks!Best prescription acne treatments?
I use to use minocycline but I can't remember the dosage. I used it for about 6 months and then quit. It worked really well. I also used Differin .1 and it worked AWESOME. I also had prescription face wash and lotion but i can't for the life of me remember what they were called.

Your best bet would be going to see a doctor and discussing with them. They'll have to give you a script anyways..Best prescription acne treatments?
i use benzaclin and tretinoin as external cream and take minocycline as oral(but i tried all of those medicine before.)

Those two cream are the best i've used so far during my 6 years of terrible acne.

you apply the moisturizer/lotion and then apply the acne cream.

I wouldn't say it's random times, it could be that you're stressing too much on those breakouts; try sleeping more. It could also be your diet, like my skin is more prone to getting nodulars when i eat seafood.
Well, it doesn't seem like you have very serious acne problems so I wouldn't recommend using such powerful and harsh products such as the ones you have mentioned. Try Kiehl's blue products. They're effective, made from natural (supposedly) ingredients and aren't over-powering, in most cases.

Clarins has some great moisturizers and cleansers. Try their Matte Line. They're oil free and makes your skin softer, smoother, and controls oil production.
I used antibiotics and they didn't have much effect on it. For washing, I have used Zoderm cleanser, it's pretty good. For the sunblock/moisturizer, I've used Neutrogena clear skin lotion with SPF.

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