Tuesday, December 22, 2009

What is the best on the spot treatment for acne, that you can buy w/o a prescription?

My 13 year old brother is getting very large ingrown pimples on his nose, I can tell it embarasses him a lot. Please let me know of any product I can buy, to help him out.

P.s. he already uses proactive, so please suggest something other than that. Thanks!!!!What is the best on the spot treatment for acne, that you can buy w/o a prescription?
Preparation H! Don't tell him that's what it is though! Put it in another container. There is somthing in that stuff that eliminates inflamation and fast! My 16 and 15 yr olds are using it now out of a pill bottle! Thier faces will breakout, but clearup overnight when they use the Preparation H.What is the best on the spot treatment for acne, that you can buy w/o a prescription?
I love Burt's Bees Tea tree oil blemish treatment. It really helps bring down the redness, but it is pretty easy to smell for the people around you, so he won't want to use it except at home.

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