Tuesday, December 22, 2009

My prescription acne cream isn't working and no matter how hard I wash nothing helps my acne.?

What can I do short of rubbing sandpaper across my face to get rid of pimples.My prescription acne cream isn't working and no matter how hard I wash nothing helps my acne.?
Your prescription acne cream sucks. Use acnezine.

http://www.acnezine.com/?aid=407758My prescription acne cream isn't working and no matter how hard I wash nothing helps my acne.?
First of all, DON'T DO THAT!

Secondly, if you are using a prescription

acne cream that isn't working for you... it

might be time to tell your dermatologist.

If he can't find you an effective med? Then

you'll have to find a better dermatologist.

Good luck!

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