because acne creams and facial washes will only make ur skin more sensitive and break out more, it actually strips your skin layers over time %26amp; can dry it out and cause irritation and damage.
the same thing happened to me. but then i started using oxy and face washes again after that, now even though i dont put it on my face ne more, it is ruined really bad and its all red and broken out now from all the chemical abuse. so i would suggest dont ever put nething on your face again besides water. thats all you need really.Howcome when I stopped using my prescription acne cream my face cleared up?
maybe it just worked.
allergic reaction maybeez??? xx
Maybe your face needed something to clear it up at first, but after you used the creams they became too harsh and made it worse with all of those strong chemicals...And now your skin just needs a break from all the abrasive ingredients!
yeh same me also..when i used to use some creams my face never cleared up but when i stopped face cleared up..i dun no..y but now a days i drink much water,fruits so i guess for me naturally its working...n one Doc told me its natural that young girls must have pimples,spots in their face at any stage..n it would take many years to cure n after that it will go i guess i passed that stage..anyways..its gud that its cleared up..cheers-S
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