Thursday, December 17, 2009

Does having facials irritate your skin more while on prescription for acne?

I have began using Differin (topical treatment) and Soloydn (antiboitic) like a month ago, but I still have pimples every now and then, not bad like before though and I have tons of blackheads now more than ever. I was thinking of getting facials to get rid of that problem, but would that make my skin worse, as i am already taking other medications? Please help...I need to get rid of this pimple situation.Does having facials irritate your skin more while on prescription for acne?
Prescription acne treatments often make your skin way more sensitive. I wouldn't get a facial just yet, I doubt it would help the blackheads anyway, and more likely it will cause a wicked reaction. In addition, use extremely gentle cleansers on your face for awhile (Purpose is a good one).Does having facials irritate your skin more while on prescription for acne?
The facials will just make your face very red and itchy. If you really want to get rid of it for good, you have got to read this book. http://bambiberg.solution72.hop.clickban鈥?/a> However, if you won't actually follow through with what they advise, then don't bother wasting your time or money. However, if you are ready to make the changes the suggest, and they arent even that hard, then it will clear you up pretty quickly, and you won't have to waste any more money on creams and microderms...
dnt ever take the facials or bleach on ur face till ur pimples settle down a little bit.

these may aggreaveate the problem and u may end up having red marks on ur face.

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