Thursday, December 17, 2009

Acne Prescription Application Schedule Help?

I have minor/moderate acne, but due to low self esteem problems, I went to a dermatologist to pick up some topical treatment. He prescribed Duac 2 times per day, Ziana 2 times per day, and Differin at night. I have no idea when exactly to apply all of this medicine. Is it ok to mix treatments(I would think Duac and Ziana are considering how much they have in common but should the Differin be diluted?)?. What schedule should I apply the medicine; I can do it before school, after school and before bed, but I am afraid that washing three times a day will aggravate my skin. Any help appreciated...Acne Prescription Application Schedule Help?
This seems like a heavy treatment plan for just minor acne. If you start using all of these products, your face will probably get really dry and red. You can mix all of the creams together or apply one after the other. The differin should not be diluted. However, if your face starts drying, you might want to apply just once per day or every other day for a while. And make sure you wear a sunscreen cause your face will be sensitive to sunlight.Acne Prescription Application Schedule Help?

You should use ';TriClear';.It's extremely effective.TriClear healed my acne in 5 days.I came accross this product on NBC Beauty Show.Now, you can get FREE trial (2-week supply).Check it out here:
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