Friday, January 8, 2010

What is best Acne medication (non-prescription)?

I don't have a whole lot of acne (my face isn't covered in zits or anything) but once I do get pimples on my face, it stays there for like... forever (no not really forever, but just a really long-*** time)? And worst part of all is when I do get a series of pimples, they clutter in one spot on my face. So what is the STRONGEST non-prescription acne medication that I don't have to order by phone or internet and it's sold in Ontario, Canada... So basically I just want to go to shoppers and buy something. So tell me, what will burn the little bitches right off my face???

Also, would rubbing alcohol on my face clean it well?What is best Acne medication (non-prescription)?
The first thing to do when acne starts its apparition is to 'nip the problem in the bud itself'. Neither picking nor squeezing is required! In fact these two are the best contributor in worsening acne conditions. Bear in mind that getting rid of acne overnight is not impossible. With the use of natural remedies one can completely be free from acne. Below are some of the most effective cures:

鈥?The use of essential oils - Tea tree oil, clove oil and lavender oil are among the best oils to be used against acne. These works even better if diluted with grape seed oil. After application of the oils you may use Rose water or ice as reliever for swollen acne area.

鈥?Herbs and spices - A paste of black cumin seed powder and a paste of cinnamon powder mixed with honey are some herbs which act fast and effectively for patients suffering from chronic acne condition. Other active herbs and spices are pomegranate powder mixed with fresh lime, a paste of neem powder and a blend of turmeric powder with sandalwood or turmeric with mint juice. You may also apply freshly cut clove of garlic on the acne area and left overnight.

鈥?Diet and exercise - There is nothing except a better dieting and exercises that can keep you healthier. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables and drink plenty of water. Drinking at least 8 - 10 glasses of water and doing required exercises help flushing out the body's toxins. Avoid as much as you can greasy/oily foods as these are among the factors contributing in acne problems.What is best Acne medication (non-prescription)?
I recommend Clearasil, Neutrogena, or Proactiv.


1. Take an egg, and separate the yolk from the white.

2. Beat the yolk BY ITSELF. If you include some egg white, the recipe will not work as well.

3. Apply the yolk (I know, it sounds and feels gross, but trust me, it's worth it!)

4. Leave the yolk mask on for about 15-30 minutes. 30 works best.

5. Rinse clean. The water doesn't matter, but warm is best, since the yolk will be hard to get off.

6. Do NOT wash your face before or after the egg mask process. It messes it up.

7. You may use this process several nights in a row, but if your skin tends to be dry, make sure you have a good moisturizer you can trust to help with your skin. This recipe can/will make your skin dry.

8. Apply any acne treatment you have.

9. Most or all of your zits should be gone, or easing up by morning.

Good Luck!


For the zits that bother the heck out of you and you don't have the time for the mask, use a zit tool thing from Revlon. It works for me like a charm. For a good zit medicine, use something with benzoyl peroxide 10%.

Why use this recipe?

Egg yolk is proven to have vitamin A, which is proven to help with acne. Applying the mask will boost your vitamin A level on your skin, and help reduce acne.

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